Our Story


The World Gospel Alliance convened ReMap I in 1997 (Reducing Missionary Attrition Project) to explore the factors leading to missionary attrition. In 2002, ReMap II was held to discuss the factors contributing to missionary retention. Research from these two meetings revealed that among 20 long-term cross-cultural workers, one would leave the field every year. However, the greatest challenge faced by missionaries was not environmental but human-related. If churches or organizations could provide effective care, 71% of the factors contributing to missionary attrition could be avoided. Moreover, it could increase the survival rate of nearly one-third of the missionaries during their first decade of service (John Hawke, OMF).

people inside room
people inside room
woman in black long sleeve shirt and white hijab
woman in black long sleeve shirt and white hijab

Heart to Mind

However, Chinese cross-cultural missions started relatively late, and awareness of cross-cultural missions in churches was still weak. Providing care for missionaries was an even greater challenge. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, it not only posed significant economic challenges globally but also exacerbated the situation for cross-cultural workers. Bethel Renewal Center (BRC), during the mobilization of missions, led several teams to visit fields and discovered a special group residing within the 10/40 window, known as the "Lone Rangers." Another less favorable term within the industry is "orphaned missionaries." They often have little to no church or organizational support and care, and some of them even lack family support. Some have just arrived at the field, while others have been there for several years, and a few have spent over a decade in the field. Due to the pandemic, they are unable to return home, and their ministries cannot operate locally. They are facing significant challenges, both physically and mentally exhausted.

Thank God for His mercy and faithfulness. He takes responsibility for those He calls to His work. He inspired some of our brothers and sisters in the rear to care for cross-cultural workers. Through BRC's call, we began this caring ministry. Initially, we didn't know where to start. But, God, through urgent prayers, slowly led us to take action, providing genuine care from our brothers and sisters in the rear to the workers on the front lines. Seeing the positive impact of this care on the missionaries in all aspects of their lives is very encouraging. We give thanks to our God and receive encouraging responses from the cross-cultural workers.

Mind to Hand

Over the past three years, our team mainly focused on serving the workers in areas such as marriage and family, children's education, emotional care, medical advice, field strategy, and business missions. We also equipped and trained workers through various training programs, such as the Life of Christ and Zume etc. We evaluated and experimented with various business mission projects, as well as emergency assistance efforts to help frontline workers through their current challenges. Our primary focus has been cross-cultural workers from mainland China, who often lack church or organizational support and practical resources. Our last Spring Festival care event supported about 150 individuals and families, and we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Pray For Chinese Missionaries and Churches

As the Chinese church continues to grow and rise, the enthusiasm for cross-cultural missions among Chinese brothers and sisters is increasing. We deeply believe that God has already prepared a great number of missionaries in China. However, facing the current situation in China, the imperfections in missionary resources, and the lack of awareness among Chinese churches about caring for missionaries, we know that the strength of a single team or organization is not enough to meet such a significant need. So, a group of committed brothers and sisters from different organizations and churches came together to establish a team with a clear mission and vision, hoping that God will place this inspiration in the hearts of more brothers and sisters to fulfill the great commission and satisfy the Father's Heart.

two men holding ear others hand
two men holding ear others hand